Hello :-)
While I have been away I have had a sudden urge to buy false eyelashes again after a break from them! A while ago I wore them every day as part of my daily make-up, then I went through a phase of wearing them just for nights out, then I finished my false eyelash phase with individual lashes being professionally applied for a holiday (and this was about a year ago!) So quite a big break from them! I am pretty lucky with the length of my eyelashes (pictured below) anyway but it is always nice to add a bit more thickness to my natural lashes. Apologies for the tired eyes- little Daisy has left me sleep deprived of late! :-)
Women with short of sparse lashes will definitely be impressed with the result of a set of false eyelashes. These lashes are available in all sorts of different looks, styles and forms. I usually stick with the basic strip lashes which fit along your top eye lid. Other options are individual lashes (which can be applied yourself using tweezers), bottom lid eyelashes and strip lashes with a bit of extra something such as gems or sparkles! A good range of false lashes are 'Eylure', they produce lots of different styles, lengths and options of lashes. There are even different takes on the basic strip lashes too, such as more natural looking ones, varying lengths of lashes and my personal favourite 'intense' (pictured below). Strip lashes are the ones I tend to buy and are very quick and easy to apply and are great for women with short, sparse eyelashes with no or little gaps in your own natural lashes. If you are a lady with gaps in your natural lashes I would recommend the individual lash sets to make the finish more natural.
As the box states, these lashes are by 'Eylure' from their 'Naturalites' range: 'Intense: Ultra full lashes for an intense effect' and come with the lash adhesive. The average price of a set of this range of lashes is about £4, certainly no more than £5 depending on where you purchase them from. These are my personal favourites- they might be too much for some people but seeing as my lashes are quite long already I like these because you can actually tell the difference when I've got them on! They are very easy to apply following the steps on the back of the box, however I don't think the picture steps are the most helpful so I have written the steps that I follow to put the lashes on:
- Gently peel lashes from box (selecting which eye you would like to do first using the right and left eye indicators on the lash box). Ensure the lashes aren't too wide for your eye by holding the lashes (dry) up to your eye. If they are a bit too wide, just trim them with scissors and begin the application process.
- Apply a small amount of the lash adhesive along the black strip of the lashes.
- Allow glue to dry a little bit so it is tacky to touch (I speed up this process by gently blowing along the glue).
- When the glue is tacky, carefully hold the lashes by the lash tips, close your eye and apply to your natural lash line, paying extra attention to pressing either end of the strip onto your eye lid to ensure attachment.
- Carefully press along the whole line of the strip to ensure all is secure.
- When all is secure, squeeze along the lash line to stick your natural and false eyelashes together for a more blended finish.
- (optional) Depending on the look you are going for, I always apply some mascara to the lashes too as I go for a more dramatic look.
- Enjoy your fabulous lashes!
To remove, all you have to do is gently peel them off from one corner. I find these lashes extremely comfortable to wear and they do not cause me any discomfort. The glue is also very good and my lashes have never fallen off or began to peel off using this glue. In fact, I use this glue even when wearing a different range of lashes as I will tell you about next!
As I said above, my favourite range of lashes is 'Eylure', but I decided to try out a new set to see if I liked them just as much. The answer is no! I tried the 'Brit Rocks' range (pictured below), using the 'eyeluscious' set.
The lashes themselves look beautiful inside the box- very flirty! This is what attracted me to buying them. However, when I removed the lashes from their box they had a very plastic feel, not like the natural feel of the 'Eylure' range. But I thought I would try to apply them anyway and hoped for the best! I applied the glue (included) to the lashes and allowed to get tacky as in the above steps and began to apply as normal. But the lashes simply wouldn't stick! After about 5 attempts I gave up and stuck to my natural lashes for the day! I think it was a combination of the glue not being strong enough and also the lashes being too stiff which made them not want to stick. I didn't want to give up on them that easily because the lashes themselves are beautiful, so I went out and bought another set of the 'Eylure' lashes just to use their glue!
So I tried to apply the 'Brit Rocks' set again using the 'Eylure' glue and they thankfully stuck! I was relieved and went out. About half an hour later, the corners of the lashes began to lift, so I applied some more glue and it lasted for a little bit longer again. But all night they continued to lift and because I was applying so much glue, they were beginning to irritate my eyes, so in the end I took them off! I find the lashes are too stiff and plasticy to hold and because of this, every time you blink, the stiffness of the lash strip begins to lift the lashes off. Having said this, my friend uses these lashes all of the time and they fit fine with her! I am determined to make them work as they are beautiful but perhaps the shape of them just doesn't suit my eye lid! I will keep you posted on my progress!
Thanks for reading and I hope it has been helpful :-)
Saffron xoxo