Hey guys & dolls,
so as you may have noticed, most of my images are taken with my IPhone. What are your guys' views on using a camera like this rather than a professional camera like a Nikon? Do you think bloggers can still have a successful blog without a professional camera? I do have access to a Nikon but I am inexperienced with the editing and things and find I would not be able to blog on the go due to having to upload the images onto my laptop first. I am interested to know!
But Spring is here.. Hurray! I am loving the spring trends this year and have been lucky enough to treat myself to some new items this year. I now have a designated photographer in the form of my Fiance too so hopefully no more mirror shots! I was hoping to upload some images for you today but for some bizarre reason my blog just freezes when I try to add photos. Anybody else having trouble with this today?
I hope to correct today so please stay tuned for some of my favourite pieces that I have bought in Spring so far,
Saffron xoxo