Sunday, 19 April 2015

Colouring for adults

Happy Sunday again guys, 

I have just finished my delicious Sunday roast & have now settled on the sofa for a night in front of the box so thought it would be a good time to write a blog! 

I spent my Saturday afternoon in the garden, colouring in the sunshine! Now I know what you're thinking- colouring?! At your age?! Well I would think the same thing. But I came across a range of adult colouring books designed to help us destress, reduce anxiety & to take some time out to be mindful. 

There are different themed ones but I chose the 'mindful' book for busy people. 

There are all kinds of different patterns in there, I found it so relaxing & peaceful to just sit & colour on my own with a cuppa & get away from the world for a while.

I personally bought it as I suffer with anxiety at times & when I saw they are good to remedy that, I thought why not give it a go! I wasn't feeling anxious at all yesterday, but wanted a go anyway & found it very relaxing. 

So I would say, if you suffer with anxiety or a busy mind- give it a go! Or if you are a creative type who would enjoy trying your hand at colouring again- go for it! 

Let me know what you think & have a positive week :)

Saffron xoxo

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Buddha bowl

Happy Sunday everyone! 

I don't know about anyone else but I have eaten like a horse for the past 3 weeks! My mindset was, it's Easter soon so what's the point... But now I can tell I have indulged & need to get back on track. 

I generally enjoy eating healthily but have trouble snacking so have bought myself some Nakd bars & nuts to nibble on while in the office. 

As some of you may know, I am a transitioning vegan. I have been vegetarian all of my life & having learnt more about the treatment of animals in the dairy industry recently, I have decided veganism is the way forward. 

So this afternoon, I had some time on my hands so had a nosey through some vegan packed lunch recipes on the fabulous Pinterest! I found something called a 'Buddha bowl' which is basically a salad but it must include a kind of whole grain too. 

This evening I set about making my own Buddha bowl for my lunch for work tomorrow. 

It looks pretty good even if I do say so myself! I chose cous cous as my grain item & combined it with a baked sweet potato seasoned with thyme, a handful of green salad & a handful of steamed curly Kale. I also threw in some Quorn Chicken. 

Vegans out there will know that Quorn unfortunately is not vegan as it contains egg. But so far, I have only managed to cut out the whole foods of the dairy group & will admit to still eating chocolate & Quorn. I am told all Quorn products from September will be vegan- so I cannot wait for that! 

My next step is to cut out Quorn & replace with the vegan options now readily available at supermarkets. Not only is veganism an animal friendly diet, it is also a very healthy one so helps keep the waistline trim too!

I can't wait to tuck into my Buddha bowl tomorrow :-) 

Have a good week guys,
