Saturday 14 March 2015

Mane 'n' tail hair products review

I'm in love! 

I have had a few comments this week from people saying my hair has grown & gained thickness... I am chuffed as I started using Mane 'n' Tail horse shampoo around a month ago to try & get it grow & get thicker!

My friend at work suggested it to me initially & at first I was sceptical but I have to say I am very impressed. 

Now I usually have trouble with my hair getting greasy & flat from heavy shampoos so did a check on the reviews online before purchasing. Some were negative & said it weighed their hair down but the majority were positive so I decided to give it a shot! 

This was my hair before using the shampoo & conditioner...

Very short and thin! This is what my hair looked like 2 weeks in..

And now......

There is definite growth!! & I can tell it feels thicker too. Not noticeable yet on pictures, but I can definitely feel the difference. I do have to wash my hair every other day using this product, which is a downside, but my hair has always gotten greasy quickly as it's so thin! But it leaves my hair feeling fresh with no residue. 

I also had 'baby hairs' that used to stick up every day as they were so short and thin. But now they are growing and beginning to blend in with the rest of my hair:

I will give you an update if I see any other significant changes. But believe it or not, I would definitely recommend this horse shampoo to my readers! It's also pretty cheap at around £3.50 on amazon for both the shampoo & conditioner. 

Give it a try & let me know what you think! 

Saffron xo

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